Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Father's Day

For Mother's Day, I put some pictures of my mom on to honor her. Now that it's nearly Father's Day, I would like to do the same for my dad. Here are a few of my favorites:

My dad boxed in high school. He even won a state title: I think it was his senior year.
As a young man, he enrolled at Ricks College. That's where he met my mom.
After Ricks, he enrolled at the University of Utah, where he had a basketball scholarship. He also ran the hurdles for their track team and lettered in both sports. After graduation he took a job as a school teacher. Doesn't he look the part?
He was drafted into the Army during WWII and served in the Phillipines. Above is a picture of him about the time he went overseas.
Dad taught at Blackfoot High School for several years. This picture was taken during that time.

Dad will be 90 years old in August. We all love him and feel blessed that he's our dad.


Grandma Grace said...

Dad told us a story about his shoes and one of the state boxing competitions. They were poor but he had a pair of shoes to wear. He wrote his name on them but they disappeared. He later saw who took them but didn't make a scene. Anyway he competed in some shoes that he borrowed from one of his brothers that were too big and rubbed blisters on his feet. We are so spoiled.

Janae&DonovanLott said...

Wow! Tommy and Chris look a lot like Grandpa Callister.

Karen said...

I feel blessed to have him as my grandpa! What a good lookin' guy!

Kristen said...

I love that he was so athletic. Good pictures Mom