Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another Flashback

Two weeks ago, Kristen put her sixth grade picture for all of you to see. I thought it was so much fun that I decided I would put my sixth grade picture up, too. Can anyone besides Grace identify any people in this picture? And, Grace, how many can you identify? I will put the names in a blog in about two days to give you time to enjoy this wonderful photo.


Kristen said...

I love the clothes and shoes. It is a cool pic. I think that you look old for only being in 6th grade though. Maybe kids looks more mature back then.

Karen said...

I don't know anyone except for you! But I found you pretty quick!

Catherine said...

That's a great phone, Aunt Anne. I spotted you right away! This must have been one of your favorite classes considering the high ratio of boys compared to girls! ;)

Grandma Grace said...

I have to admit I was able to pick some out quickly but can't quite get the name of others.
Back row" an archibald and Lee Bailey
2nd row. Ken wixom and is it Howard Park?, Lee Ann Lilya, and of course I recognized Steve Mecham.
3rd row Patty mcKie on the end and Annette Hale next to you.
Loved the petticoats

Julie said...

I'm glad that girls don't have to wear dresses to school anymore, but I must admit, you all look so nice!