Thursday, April 3, 2008

100 Things About Me

1. I have no middle name.
2. I have been married for 40+ years.
3. I have four children who think they are perfect and one who really, truly is.
4. I was married five years before the Lord let me have children.
5. I used to milk cows with my dad.
6. I used to haul hay with my dad and sisters.
7. I raised pigs to pay for my first year's tuition at BYU.
8. I was on a debate team in high school, and my senior year we placed in region and got to go to state tournament.
9. I was almost 26 years old before I ever saw the ocean.
10. I didn't graduate from college until I was 53 years old.
11. I missed my college graduation because I didn't think the results of my last class had been reported in time for August graduation.
12. I had my nephew, Steven, tutor me in math to so I could fill my college math requirement.
13. I took piano lessons for 10 years.
14. I taught piano lessons for 4 years.
15. I play the organ in church.
16. I learned to play the foot pedals because my bishop challenged me to do it.
17. I lost a hat in the Nile River in Egypt.
18. I was once held hostage on a bus in Moscow, Russia. (Well, the whole bus was held hostage until the bus driver was paid an additional $50.00.
19. I have walked through Hezekiah's tunnel in Jerusalem (twice!).
20. I sat through the Passion Play in Oberammergou, Germany for the whole 6 1/2 hours of the performance. (Well, we did get a one hour break in the middle.)
21. I enjoyed the performance and would do it again.
22. I shared a kiss with Wayne on our first date.
23. I once slapped Wayne because he had kissed another girl the night before (no, we weren't married at the time).
24. I earned just over $19.00 picking potatoes when I was in the third grade and bought my own lunch box with some of the money.
25. I carried that lunch box until I was in Jr. High and convinced my mom to use paper bags.
26. I earned the Primary Gospel In Action award when I was the stake primary president.
27. I earned my YW Recognition Award when I was a YW leader after Kristen was no longer in YW.
28. I was in the all-church dance festival in Salt Lake City when I was 16 years old.
29. I once sang in a youth chorus in the Salt Lake Tabernacle when President David O. McKay was present in the meeting.
30. I once backed our family car into a manure spreader.
31. I used to drive past boys' houses when I was in high school.
32. I used to drive past boys' houses with my daughters when they were in jr. high and high school.
33. I learned to water ski on the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri.
34. I enjoy walking early in the morning.
35. One of my favorite early morning walks was when I was in Nauvoo. I walked from our hotel down to old Nauvoo and down Parley Street to the Mississippi River.
36. I love fudge from the Nauvoo Fudge Factory. Yumm Yumm.
37. I used to give humorous readings when I was in jr. high and high school.
38. I once gave a reading at a Future Farmers of America banquet.
39. I went on my first date when I was only 13.
40. I got stitches in my back when I fell through the window in the door between our kitchen and the porch of our house before it was remodeled.
41. I got stitches in my head when I jumped out of a pickup.
42. My mom always said I was toilet trained by the time I was 18 months old.
43. There was no bathroom in the house where I was born, that's probably why.
44. I used to take baths in the barn--where there was hot water.
45. I earned six Individual Awards as a Young Woman and earned an award for that.
46. I used to ice skate on our front lawn.
47. My mom used to freeze water on our lawn to make the ice skating rink.
48. I once went skinny dipping with my friend, Annette, on the last day of school.
49. I got a driver's license when I was only 14.
50. I received 100% on my driver's license exam.
51. I was first attracted to Wayne because of his dimples.
52. I also liked the fact that he had (and still has) brown eyes.
53. I was PTA president at the high school when Bryan was a junior.
54. I enjoyed playing volleyball and softball when I was a YW.
55. The coach used to put me in left field because I was about the only one who could throw the ball back into the infield.
56. I later became a pitcher and first baseman.
57. I was a YW dance director when I was 16 years old.
58. I used to go fishing with my dad, brothers, and grandfather on opening day every year.
59. For my tenth birthday I asked for, and received, a fishing pole.
60. My bedroom caught fire when I was a sophomore in high school.
61. My friends threw me a "shower" so I could receive new clothes.
62. The RS president got me two new pairs of shoes from the Bishop's storehouse.
63. My first airplane flight was from SLC to Rapid City, South Dakota when I was 21 years old.
64. I stayed up to watch the live TV coverage of man's first moonwalk.
65. The first president I was eligible to vote for was Richard M. Nixon.
66. I was a junior in high school when President Kennedy was shot.
67. My dad was a bishop for ten years.
68. My husband was a bishop for five years.
69. I like mashed potatoes and good brown gravy.
70. I like baked potatoes, too.
71. I like chocolate--chocolate candy, chocolate cake, and chocolate ice cream.
72. I make homemade rolls almost every Sunday.
73. I have read the Book of Mormon in Spanish three times.
74. My biggest baby weighed 10 lbs. 13 oz.
75. I hemorrhaged when he was born and recived eight pints of blood in less than four hours, followed by more than 20 pints of blood later.
76. My kidneys quit working and I had to have three dialysis treatments.
77. I am the tallest of the sisters in my family.
78. Believe it or not, I have a higher IQ than my husband.
79. I enjoy crocheting, knitting, and doing counted cross stitch.
80. I especially enjoy reading.
81. I make up stories to tell my grandchildren.
82. There was a time when I swam over a half mile every morning.
83. I have two pianos.
84. I am afraid of snakes.
85. All of my grandchildren have brown eyes.
86. I have never had my ears pierced.
87. I would like to climb Mt. Timpanogos.
88. I used to save pennies. One year I gave them to my mom to buy some new silverware for Christmas--she gave me a piggy bank for my pennies.
89. One year a bear almost crawled into my open door of the car I was sitting in while I was visiting Yellowstone Park.
90. I used to put curlers in my Grandmother Callister's hair, and, when her hair was dry, comb it out.
91. My Aunt Francella was my second grade teacher.
92. None of my siblings attended jr. high or high school with me.
93. I had a class with my brother, Lee, while attending BYU. Neither of us knew it until we walked into class the first day.
94. My locker combination when I was a sophomore was 34-24-34. Can you guess why I have never forgotten it?
95. The serial number of the bicycle I received when I was in the third grade was N59833--I don't know why I have remembered that.
96. Mrs. Johnson, our high school secretary, saved locker #1 so it would be mine when I was a senior in high school.
97. I have was always been proud to be a Callister
98. I love my children and grandchildren.
99. I love my husband.
100. I have a testimony of the divinity of Jesus Christ and am looking forward to someday returning to his presence.


Kristen said...

You are a true Idaho girl with those pototoes. I can't believe your dad being the Bishop and you dated so early and went skinny dipping. You are always good with numbers and remembering facts. There were definately some things I found out about you. Good stuff Mom,

Megan said...

Wow you were held hostage??! I'm glad you lived to tell about it!

Karen said...

You never told me that you went skinny dipping! Wow, what a brave girl!

Janae&DonovanLott said...

So for comment #30, didn't that happen while I was on my mission?? And I thought it was a wheel barrow full of manure in the Weight's yard that you hit?

As for comment #86, you neglected to mention anything about your navel ring...oops, did I post that on a public forum? At least I didn't say anything about your tat.

Love you, Mom! In the altered words of Rob Halford, "You're my TURBO MOTHER!!" :)

El Jefe said...

When my family lived in Israel, I was able to visit Hezekiah's tunnel a couple of times with student groups from the Jerusalem Center. On one occasion as the group made its way my down the hill (remember that twisty path?) to the entrance of the cave, my little brother and I broke from the crowd to race to the entrance of Hezekiah's tunnel (I was only 11). We were the first to reach the entrance only to be greeted by the awkward look of a Palestinian urinating in the headwaters of the tunnel. On that day were obliged to let the students go first!

Catherine said...

Your kids must THINK they're perfect because they REALLY are perfect, right Kristen and Karen? I always thought Uncle Wayne had nice dimples. I didn't know that's what first attracted you to him. And Anne, you slapped him? Wow, good to learn new things like that! I actually knew more about you than Karen and Kristen when they posted their 100 things! That's probably because you're my mom's older sister and she loved to tell me silly and embaressing stories about you!!!