Friday, March 28, 2008

Another Flashback Friday--

I have one more set of pictures of "the girls" to post for you to look at. These are pictures taken of us our senior year in high school. I don't think anyone will have a hard time figuring our who is who.

I don't know why Lois' picture is sepia. Actually, I don't think this is her senior picture--I think it is one that was taken later. Right, Lois? Grace's picture was probably taken with color film, but mine was taken in black and white and then had the color added later. Don't you just love my hair? And my glasses are also choice, right? Ah, those were the good old days!(?)


Kristen said...

The next time you get glasses you should totally get some just like those. They are cool. You woman are HOT!

Karen said...

These are such great pictures of all three of you. Very pretty!

Catherine said...

GREAT photos, Anne! Everytime I look at your blog, Emily sees the picture of you and Wayne on the side and says with enthusiam, "Dat my Gramma!" I tell her that it's actually Ethan's grandma, but she doesn't believe me. :) You look enough like my mom to make this little 2 year old girl smile!

Janae&DonovanLott said...

Oh my gosh! You look like cat woman with those wacky feline frames. Way to go, daddy-yo.