Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fun with the Grandkids

While Kristen and her kids were up visiting we went up to the Bean Museam. Here are the kids posing with the wild lions.

Here are the kids and Grandpa acting like wild animals. See the "grrrr" faces they are making. It is almost like you are in Africa isn't it?

Mattison loves to help cook. Of course all the other grandkids had to get in on the action too. We are making meatballs, Mattison's favorite. I think I will do a cooking class for the grandkids this summer while they are all here visiting.


Kristen said...

Wow!! That looks like lots of fun and the girls can't wait for the fun cooking classes this summer.

Grandma Grace said...

Last summer Cinde said she started a sewing class for all her grandchildren when they turned 8. I may try it. But the boys want to learn too so I will have to come up with something they can do.
The Bean Museum is a great place to have so close and so cheap. And the kids always seem to like it.