Sunday, February 24, 2008

More snow pictures

The afternoon of our big snow, one of our very talented, artistic neighbors decided to make a snow scupture. I'm sure you can all tell that this is the Mt. Timpanogos Temple.
We measured the snow on our deck. If you can't read the numbers, the yardstick shows 12 inches.
The little picnic table on our patio was so covered that you almost couldn't tell it was there.
This is my favorite picture. It is of the big tree in our neighbor's yard (yes, Audrey, it's yours). Isn't it beautiful?


Kristen said...

Cool pics. We love the sculpture of the temple. That is to neat.

Audrey said...

Anne, That is a COOL sculpture of the temple! Makes me wish we were still there so we could see it live!
I too love that tree!! That also makes me sad that we haven't gotten to enjoy it for the last 10 months (but still paying for it)!
A little shout out to your daughters for giving you such a CUTE blog! I love your template and your songs are GREAT! (i went to a barry manilow concert once)ha!
I hope the people that bought our house are good neighbors!! It took long enough to get them so they BETTER be!!
p.s. I added you on my friends list... hope that is ok!

Jan Hawkes said...

It wasn't very many years ago that Jim regularly jumped over the top of that tree while running for cover from Anne and her hose or weapon of choice. He must have aged quickly because he certainly couldn't clear the tree now. I noticed the For Sale sign in the photo. I assume from Audrey's comment that it has sold. Congratulations. Also felicitaciones to Todd and Lisa! Todd is our neighbor, Lisa used to be. Small world.