Friday, February 22, 2008

Now it's MY turn (if I can do this right)

My daughters have been trying to get me to get into the "real" world, haven't they? I feel I MUST repond. First of all, I never, never kissed a boy named Bruce. (I really wanted to, though, darn him, he just never asked me out--and he was s-o-o-o- good looking!) I think H heard once that his wife's name was Ann, spelled wrong, naturally, so maybe he was trying to make up for what he really missed. Heh heh. (I do hope that no one he knows can track this blog down through linking and linking.)

And, Becky Bailey was really Lois' friend. I just know how to do the imitation.

I do have some beautiful pictures that I took of the snow storm we had a couple of weeks ago. I have tried to get some of them onto this blog and haven't figured out how to do the best ones (Grace, do you think you could get Chris over here to help me?). Anyway, I am doing a test with one picture of the snow to see how I do.

The picture above is a picture of our street when we returned home from church a couple of weeks ago. Isn't the snow pretty?


Karen said...

Looks good Mom! Way to go! I may be able to show you how to put more picures on, if you want my help. Just let me know!

Kristen said...

Way to go mom!! We are so proud of you posting pictures and a message. Keep it up. See, if you did it once you can do it again. I do like to see the snow too. I can't believe how much there is. Any other songs you want me to put on your blog?

Megan said...

That is A LOT of snow! Thanks for posting! We missed you!