Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tagged!! Me, A-Z

I am still new to this blogging stuff, so I hope I do this right. Be sure to read the "T" entry so you can see who I tagged.

A--Attached or Single? After 40 years of marriage, I am certainly attached!
B--Best friend? My husband, Wayne, of course.
C--Cake or Pie? Depends on my mood. Chocolate cake would probably be my first choice.
D--Day of Choice? Sunday--church is always nice, and Sunday is usually relaxing
E--Essential Item? My phone--so I can call and receive calls from my family.
F--Favorite Color? I used to tell everyone yellow, but I think I now prefer red--all shades.
G--Gummy bears or worms? I can do without either, thank you very much.
H--Hometown? Blackfoot, Idaho
I--Indulgence(s) Chocolate or ice cream (or just chocolate ice cream)
J--January or July? July--it's vacation time!
K--Kids? If I didn't have any, I would never have become a blogger. Four that think they're perfect, and one that is.
L--Life is complete without? My family.
M--Marriage date? August 22, 1967
N--Number of siblings? Six
O--Oranges or apples? Apples, but an orange is a nice winter treat.
P--Phobias or fears? Snakes.
Q--Quotes? You mean what I say? "Be good and remember who you are!"
R--Reason to Smile? Life.
S--Season? All of them--they each bring their own beauty and blessings.
T--Tag 3 friends? Kristen, Grace, and Stacie Lang (Someone might have to tell Stacie--Catherine!)
U--Unknown Fact? If I told you it wouldn't be unknown.
V--Very Favorite Store? Mrs. Cavanaugh's chocolates. I seldom go there, though.
W--Worst Habit? Procrastination
X--X-ray or ultrasound? I've never had an ultrasound, but I did get my ankle x-rayed once.
Y--Your favorite food? Potatoes--mashed with good brown gravy, or baked, either one.
Z--Zodiac? Cancer--the crab--it fits me sometimes, doesn't it girls?


Karen said...

WHAT? You are not a crab! You are as sweet as chocolate. Mmm, I'm hungry....

Kristen said...

I still can't believe that mashed potatoes and gravy are your favorite food when there are so many great desserts! You must have grown up in Idaho.

Audrey said...

I love your K answer.... and chances are since you are such a great mother they ALL think they are the perfect one!
Also, I agree with Kristen, you must be an Idahoan with your favorite food! I will have to bring you a fresh box during spud season!