Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Winter's End

My friend, Jan, is very aware that I haven't posted for a long time, so she send me a suggested list to post. It is below. I am really most curious to see how many people still check my blog to see if there is ever a new posting.
This week's suggestion was to post 10 things that I will or won't miss about winter. Unlike many others, I enjoy much about the winter season, so my post is:

Ten Things I Will Miss About Winter.

1. Waiting for Christmas
2. Waiting for the first snow.
3. Watching big, fluffy snowflakes come flying through the air.
4. Seeing the trees and street become a winter wonderland.
5. Watching children making snowmen and snow angels, or seeing what other creations
talented neighbors can carve out of snow:

6. Throwing snowballs.
7. Observing Mt. Timpanogos blanketed in the snow--in the sunlight, in the sunset, in the
8. Walking in the snow and hearing it crunch beneath my feet.
9. Seeing icicles on the eaves and frost covering the branches of the trees.
10. Staying in bed a bit longer and enjoying the warmth of my blankets.
These are just a few of my favorite things about winter.


B Flat Major said...

I like your post, but mostly I just like how Kristen got into your blog and changed the name of her blog on the sidebar to say "Kristen is a freakin' ROCKSTAR!" She needs more monitoring. :-)

Jan Hawkes said...

I love your post, Anne. It was worth waiting for. I wish I had thought to include Mt. Timp in my list. That is something I love about winter too. Great photos. Can you believe that tree?! Do you remember when it was knee high to a hawk? I do. Beautiful snow sculpture. Awesome post! See you next Tuesday.

Catherine said...

Dear Aunt Anne,

I love:
A) seeing an update on your blog...Yeah!
B) this list...all these things make me smile and almost miss the snow (almost)
C) the Carpenters music playing in the background.

Love ya!