Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ten Things I love About Spring

Visitors to my blog will notice that I still have a Christmas border. I am just waiting to see when one of my daughters becomes aware that I have made a couple of new postings. Then they can help me put up a new border.

In the meantime, here are ten things I love about spring. They are in no particular order, except for the last one. It is my very favorite and the best.

Ten things I love about spring:
1. Birds chirping early in the morning.
2. April Showers
3. Tuplips and daffodils in bloom and the flowers on the fruit trees.
4. Lawns turning green.
5. Lengthening of the days.
6. Laughter of children, who have been cooped up all winter, playing in the street.
7. Jet streams criss-crossing across the sky.
8. Spring plowing and the aroma of freshly turned earth.
9. Birthdays of some of my favorite people.
10. Easter--the gift of the resurrection, the knowledge we can return to our Heavenly Father's presence, and the promised blessing of Eternal Families.


Laura said...

Great list. I'm especially excited about letting my kids play outside after being cooped up so much. (and I love how you are waiting for your girls to notice your new posts. very funny.)

Karen said...

When do you want me to come over and help you change your background? Or I can talk you through it over the phone!

Jan Hawkes said...

Bingo. They found you out, Anne. I was thinking we might still be enjoying a little Christmas in July. Now that they know something is going on, have them join us on Tuesdays.

Kristen said...

Oh I've seen that you have added a new post. I even noticed that you still had the crazy Christmas border. I just saw it while I was at school and didn't have time to change it for you. I officially stink at blogging now. Good thing it's Spring Break. I