Friday, June 20, 2008

Pictures from Our Trip to Las Vegas

Here we are with Mattison after her dance recital. She thought the costume was really itchy. Do you like my new shirt? I got it at Kohls. I love shopping! We have some major shopping trips planned when Kristen and Janae are in town in July. Karen is so excited to go too.
For Father's Day Wayne got this really cool hat that has an LED light in it. Don't be surprised if you see him at the reunion or walking around the neighborhood with it. He loves it, especially since he helped pick it out. If you want one for yourself go to Kohls. There are great deals there all the time.

By the way, this is Kristen posting this using pictures from her camera. So all you other grandkids out there don't feel bad that there aren't pictures of you. Grandma has pictures on her camera she doesn't know how to download yet. If you want the code to break into her blog please contact me and you to can post pictures too. If not, I will be in Utah taking pictures with my camera and will look for opportunities to take pictures of grandchildren with Grandma and Grandpa as well. Then I can make exciting and creative posts for you ;)


Karen said...

I'm so glad you mentioned that I get to go shopping too. I love shopping, especially with Kristen, she had a knack for finding the best deals!

Catherine said...

I love it when Kristen's the one posting. Sometimes I can't tell, but I had a feeling with this one! ;) Yea for Kohls!

Janae&DonovanLott said...

A hat with a light on it...what a pur-fect gift for Wayne Gerald Lott.

Jan Hawkes said...

Happy Birthday, Anne! Was the trip to Vegas and Kohl's a birthday gift? If not, post some photos of your celebration. It is fun to keep in touch with these blogs. I might even recognize your family if I saw them again. Feliz cumpleanos!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Anne! We hope you have a wonderful day!