Friday, March 7, 2008

Flashback Friday!!!

W-a-y back (in 1959) when I was in the sixth grade, Lois was in the third grade, and Grace was in the first grade. This was the only year that I ever had more than one sibling attending the same school that I did, and the last year I ever had someone in my family attending school with me (unless you count my father teaching in high school when I was a student there). Anyway, one day the photographer came to school, as they do every year, to take the students' pictures. I thought it would be fun if we three girls could have our picture taken together. So, I called Mom and asked her if it would be all right. She agreed that it would. The three of us were allowed to go down to the stage of the gym, where the pictures were taken, and were photographed together. The picture above is the result. Don't you love my hair? Don't you love my glasses? If you look closely, you can see that I, as an almost teenager, felt it best to wear my dressiest dress and pearl necklace (that I had just received from Christmas). The other sisters, although dressed nicely, didn't feel that "wear your Sunday very best" was necessary. Anyway, here we are all in a picture that we all love (?) and that every one who sees it considers a classic. Love you Grace and Lois!!!


Kristen said...

I love it. Isabel and Mattison picked you out quickly. I love that Grace still has the same bangs. Did she use tape back then too? I also like the story of you wearing your Sunday best and pearls. Thanks for the fun photo.

Grandma Grace said...

No I didn't use tape until I got into high school. Grandma always used to cut my hair in what she called the "pixie cut." Very short. You will also notice that Lois and I don't have our glasses yet, they came soon after and we all had the same kind that Anne does. I had a mole over my nose that was later removed because the doctor was worried that it was growing. Though the picture doesn't show it we all had dresses on, required wear for those days. But I probably didn't have a dress as nice as Anne's or even pearls.

Karen said...

I love this picture. When I showed it to Mike, he too picked out who was who right away. No question who Grace was. "She has the same hair style these days," was his reply. Keep the old pictures coming....

Catherine said...

Ahhh, how sweet! I too love that picture, Anne. At first glance, however, I thought that was Ruthanne! She resembles my mom a lot, especially before my mom wore glasses. There's something special about sisters and seeing this picture only confirms that! Thanks for sharing!

Grandma Grace said...

I remember when John and Donovan were into that song. They loved the video and even danced to it. Ahh... the youth and rebellion. Luckily it didn't last.

Lois said...

Actually, Anne & Grace are wearing dresses but I am wearing a skirt & blouse. We always wore skirts even on Saturdays if we "went to town," like the library or the grocery store. We were allowed to wear pants near the last day of school when we did a grounds sweep of the school yard and had a picnic lunch. This photo is truly a classic because it is the only one of all three sisters until we were grown. And, as far as I know, there are only two existing photos of all seven children--they were taken the same day when Don was little and we're on the front lawn with the Chinese Elm trees in the background.