Friday, March 14, 2008

Flashback Friday--w-a-y b-a-c-k!

Here are baby pictures of the three "beautiful" girls on my blog last week. Your job is to guess which one is which. Is the one above Lois, Grace, or Anne?
You will be able to quickly see that Mom didn't take all of us in at the same age to have our pictures taken. Is this one Lois, Grace, or Anne?
Lois, Grace, or Anne? Weren't we all cuties?
I also hope that you enjoy the music that Kristen picks out to accompany my blog. Do you think the picked the present song because she things that Lois, Grace, and Anne are "Twisted Sisters?" (You better be careful how you answer this, Kristen!!)


Megan said...

Ok, I think it goes Lois, Anne, then Grace. I've seen the bottom one at Grace's house, so I think that's her..? Plus, Catherine is the spitting image of the first one. I think she looks just like Aunt Lois. You were all such cute little girls!

Kristen said...

I know those pics for sure. And yes you are twisted sisters!!! I didn't realize Grace was so blonde when she was young. Way to go on posting mom!

Karen said...

I knew right away....Lois, Anne, Grace!! And I didn't even have to ready Megan or Kristen's answers! I too, LOVE the music! Way to go, Kristen!

Julie said...

I think the one of Anne looks like Ethan. Only more feminine, of course. Also, I'm not sure that my mom ever was that blonde. Didn't they add color to these at the studio w-a-a-y-y back then? These posts are so much fun - especially knowing you twisted sisters are still good friends. You look as beautiful now as then - and my mom still had the bangs!

Grandma Grace said...

Yes, our pictures were colorized. I don't think I was that blond. But we were cute. Those are the only formal pictures we have. Each child got one. A lot different from today.

Lois said...

I could tell who was who right away! Okay, so I've seen those pics before. I think the reason that I don't have bangs in my photo is cuz I found a pair of scissors a short time before the photo. Only one of my kids ever tried this & she butchered her bangs way worse than I did. She did it cuz she was mad that I was talking to a lady for so long.