Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Herbert Hardnarkle stories in the Tent, in the House


Janae&DonovanLott said...

Dominique is still waiting to illustrate Herbert Hardnarkle books. My children love your stories.

Kristen said...

you rock mom

Janae&DonovanLott said...

I am also still waiting for those Herbert Hardnarkle books to come out as well. Them's my inheritance! :) Dominique is ready to get to work when you are. In fact, if you will just record yourself as you tell them, I will type them up as Dominique does the illustrations. Such a deal!!

ari said...

Anne...I have never heard of these Herbert Hardnarkle books of yours. I would love for you to get them done and then I could read them to MY grandchildren. Don't be so selfish with your talents. I havent' looked on your blog for a very long time. It was fun.