Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Okay she saw it

Okay my mom did see her blog. She says she is even downloading pictures to add to her blog. But until she does I am still going to add some comments. Did you know my dad had a purple motorcycle called "the mansion of love". At least I think that is what it is called. My mom kissed a boy named Bruce. One of her great friends was Becky Bailey and she does a great impersonation of her. If you are a part of the family you know how to do a Becky Bailey impersonation too. You should ask her to show you the next time you see her. And my mom taught Dreyton to do this....

She is a master at touching her tongue to her nose. Ask her to show you. Aren't her grand-daughters so precious and sweet? She is sooooo lucky to have them.

Have a great day mom!!


Grandma Grace said...

Those girls would make their grandmother proud. I remember the last year she was at girls camp she was well known. She walked into the stake cabin and all the leaders said, "Oh it's Anne." She made her presence known.
I think Wayne has a side to him that many people don't know.

Karen said...

I love to see these great pictures of Dreyton, Jasmine, and Mattison, and Dominique in the background, those kids are so fun and are just like Grandma and Grandpa. Yes, the motorcycle was called the "mansion of love," it even had it's own sign with that on it, at least that's my understandng of it.