Monday, February 18, 2008

Kristen Took Over

Grandma with Mattison and Isabel and Meg at Disneyland. We had a fun time.Grandpa is in the Whale at Disneyland with Meg.

Dear Mom,

Please add to your post. Karen and I have figured out how to get into you blog and we are going to start adding all kinds of crazy things you might not want people to know. For instance, do people know that is not your real hair color? Do people know you used to snore? Do they know that Dad still does? Do you want people to know that you love to eat chocolate? Wait--we like it too. Do you want people to know about Callister thighs? I don't. So, please add to your post so we don't have to keep breaking in.

Love, Kristen

p.s. I am going to see how long it takes you to notice that we have changed your blog. Each day you don't notice I am going to add something else new. You are interesting--tell us about yourself!


Karen said...

I totally love the new look of your blog, Mom. It's so fun to see pictures of you, Dad, and your grandkids. You should put more pictures of you on for the world to see, or at least your friends and family.

Catherine said...

Should I be leaving a message for Anut Anne or Kristen?! I love the changes, especially the music! Kristen, I sure hope your evil plan works because I would LOVE to learn more about the Lotts! Thanks for the inside scoop on your mom... I couldn't stop laughing! :)


Grandma Grace said...

Yea Anne, your blog has changed. Julie created one for me so I wouldn't have any excuses. Love the pictures at Disneyland. Can's wait to see what Kristen puts on next.

Julie said...

Anne, you see how popular you are? You don't even have to post for yourself and already you have a lot of comments. Very impressive. I do agree that we would all love to learn more about you!

Megan said...

Nice playlist Aunt Anne! Please post some stuff because it sounds like Kristen is itching to tell us all your secrets! Or maybe you shouldn't post...then she WILL tell us all your secrets!